Spanish Blackwork

Blackwork Hystory

Historically, blackwork was used on shirts and chemises or smocks in England from the time of Henry VIII. The common name "Spanish work" craft was based on the belief that Catherine of Aragon brought many blackwork garments with her from Spain, and portraits of the later 15th and early 16th centuries show black embroidery or other trim on Spanish chemises. Black embroidery was known in England before 1500. Geoffrey Chaucer in the Canterbury Tales describes the clothing of the miller's wife, Alison: "Of white, too, was the dainty smock she wore, embroidered at the collar all about with coal-black silk, alike within and out." Blackwork in silk on linen was the most common domestic embroidery technique for clothing (shirts, smocks, sleeves, ruffs, and caps) and for household items such as cushion covers throughout the reign of Elizabeth I, but it lost its popularity by the 17th century. ( ) Craft, Craft and more Craft coming soon.



Free Crochet Pattern Set 9

Antique Crochet Books


These are designs that I like which have been collected &

download from many different sites on the internet.

These designs have not been created by me.

Please feel free to use any of them.



Set 183   NicholsHomemade.
Set 184   NiednerFilet3-1.
Set 185   NiednerFilet3-2 .
Set 186   NomFleuri.
Set 187   Novelty Braid Crochet- Antique Book.
Set 188   NoveltyYoke8.
Set 189   Orr4FiletCroche.
Set 190   Orr19TableRunners.
Set 191   OrrGownsYokes.
Set 192   OrrYokes&Gifts.
Set 193   PagesfromCBIRISH1STALBUM1_23.
Set 195   PetersonPatterns.
Set 196   Pfeuffer3FiletCrochet.pdf.
Set 197   PointDeTige.pdf.
Set 198   PrincessCrochet2Edgings.
Set 199   DMC net 2.
Set 200   ProctorTeneriffe.
Set 201   radcliffe.
Set 202   Richardsons2CompleteCrochet.
Set 203   Richardsons3Crochet.pdf.
Set 204   Richardsons6Crochet Bedspreads.
Set 205   RiegoCro4.
Set 206   RiegoCro6.
Set 207   RiegoCro7th.
Set 208   RiegoCro9th.
Set 209   RiegoCro11th.
Set 210   RiegoCro18.
Set 211   RiegoGolden.
Set 212   RiegoLaModeWinter.
Set 213   RiegoWinter.
Set 214   RobinsonPriscillaCenterpieces1-231.
Set 215   RobinsonPriscillaCenterpieces24-end.
Set 216   RobinsonPriscillaFilet1p1-23.
Set 217   RobinsonPriscillaFilet1p24-37.
Set 218   RobinsonPriscillaFilet1p38-end.

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